Dec 13, 2004 08:19
Well, I was working at the stables again, and wow... here's what happened...
I was trying to catch up to the group who had left, but my horse, BJ, Refused to go faster, and was walking extremely slow. So i turned him around to go back to the stable.... and then he took off. He started galloping and started running... then he started kicking and bucking, obviously trying to throw me off. But he didnt succeed! I stayed on him like a champ, even though i was scared to death pulling back really hard on the reins desperately trying to get him to stop! i also yelled for help, and the other wranglers came running from the stables. Luis and Dan came running to my rescue. When i got off, Dan took over with him and walked him towards the stables. Kathy (the boss-lady) came over, and she said to BJ "You better be glad that dan got a hold of you first, otherwise i would have kicked the shit out of you." She cracks me up... but hey... it scared me to death, but as i got off, i knew God had been watching over me the whole time. Dan and Kathy said that they would give me lessons to get me back to being the rider that i once was. I cant wait to start those lessons, but I dont wanna get back on a horse for a while. At least till i get home... I feel better now, and i can HONESTLY say that i've been IN a rodeo! :-D now that i look back on it... it was really awesome because i stayed on! If i had been riding in a rodeo, i would have won, because that ride lasted a whole lot longer than 8 seconds!