So, it's spring break ... I am bored ... I am alone ... yeah, that sums things up. Things have been crazy busy this semester, I can't believe graduation is two months away. WTF? When did I grow up?
In other news, the Jays are going to the NCAA tournament, with me in tow. I am incredibly excited to be going to the NCAA tournament, especially because they should probably be able to win a game or two. It's gonne be off the chain. And the win in STL was pretty sweet too. We had a blast and it was great seeing the Jays go nuts like that. Fun times.
In business news, I still haven't found a job. I'm starting to freak out. In fact I am sending out a bunch of resumes tomorrow and hope to get some good news. The biggest problem is that people aren't wanting to hire someone who graduates in May, at least not right now. But it sucks because I would like to know where I am going before graduation, so I can at least start to make some plans. I just hope to find something out soon. The only good news I have had through all of this was a call from the sports editor of the Mobile Press-Register. He liked my resume, which was a huge confidence boost. Sadly he plans to fill the position before summer, but at least I know that getting hired at near 100,000 circ paper that has won some AP Sports Editor awards is possible. That type of paper would be a perfect place for me to start, so we shall see.
Also, check out We've made quite a few additions to the website and I am quite proud of the work I have done on it. Especially check out the Laramie Project stuff, it's some quality journalism, my friends. The best news of all is that I really feel I am making the right choice in life. I have a crazy passion for all things journalism, whether it is writing, editing, designing, web, anything, I just love it. I couldn't imagine life any other way, even if the world of journalism is in flux at the moment.
In living news, not a whole lot to report. I am still single but am actually enjoying it a bit now. I know I don't have time for a relationship right now, so it makes things a lot easier. As much as I would love to be with someone, there just isn't anything happening and there is no reason to push it. For the first time in ages I am not even remotely interested in anyone. And it's probably for the best as I don't have time or know where I will end up in six months.
APO is going well. Steph and I are really working to leave a lasting impression on the chapter by helping fix the bylaws, forming the awards policy (finally, it only took two whole years - it was like having a freaking child since I have worked so much with this) and hoping to set the chapter up to keep growing and getting stronger. We had a ton of pledges this semester and they all seem really into it. Our chapter has grown from a low of about 23 or 24 to over 90 now. We are so proud.
That's about it. I'd love to hear from some of you, it's been a long time since I've heard much out of ya. Hope everyone is doing well.