Long time no update

Feb 04, 2010 03:35

So as I sit here at work going through my "to do in a hurry" list, I decided this was a decent time to add a little something about what's going on:

In a few weeks, we are packing up and rolling down to Texas from Oregon. My mother has been diagnosed with cancer, and this was the straw that broke the camel's back....We've wanted to get closer to family for a while now anyways, and get back below the Mason-Dixon, and this was the final reason.

Tonight, as I was going through the HR site at work to figure out what paperwork I needed to do, I realized that I was actually going to miss this job. For the last four years, I've worked with some seriously top of the line tech, and with, in most cases, some pretty good peeps. Pay was great, especially for the work I actually did, bennies were great, bonuses ROCKED, just all in all a bunch to miss.

I've got a few leads in for a job in Houston, but if anyone knows anyone hiring in the Houston area for a shit-hot electronics tech with 10 years experience, 6 of it military, and half of his backelors degree in Computer Engineering Technology done as an upgrade-in-progress, I'd appreciate the heads up...

Hopefully more to follow in the next few days. We got me a new netbook, so I might actually spend some time updating things from now on. And I think I'll go ahead and figure out a new name, too....I've been out of the Navy for four years, it's time to come up with something new.
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