Waco Area Lolita

Dec 28, 2012 11:37

Oh, I hope this community is still active a bit!

I just recently moved to Waco, TX. I don't know anyone here, and I certainly don't know any lolitas!
I love to visit Austin and the D/FW area whenever I can, so feel free to message me if you live in either of those places or anywhere in between!

I've been interested in lolita fashion for as long as I can remember, but I started wearing it about five years ago. I like old school, gothic, and classic styles the best.
I am a lolita on a budget so I've yet to grab a brand dress, but my closet is growing with offbrand beauties!

I'm rarely on livejournal, so if you'd like to talk to me, my Tumblr would be your best bet! You can find it on my profile. :3
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