Apr 19, 2006 10:19
I would like to thank two of my LJ friends for their LJ nudge!! I have missed posting teribly but more than that i have missed reading and commenting on everyone else's post. That is actually my fave about LJ cause you can totally KIT. Anywho, life in OR is good but slow paced. I actually recieved last minute homework for a meeting that is also last minute at the end of the work day! Yuck I really wanted to go home early but then we get an add'l hour pay bonus for HW that took 10 minutes. Hey I'll take the extra cash. Also I am going to the Tulip festival directly after the meeting with a couple girls from work. I've never been to one but as soon as some one tells me how to put the pics into my journal post I will post those pics too. Any how I hope everyone is doing well and not as behind in paperwork as I am right now!!!