(no subject)

Feb 27, 2007 05:59

I know. I know. It has been forever since posting, but so much has been going on I've hardly had time to take it all in and come out of it still sane.

First off, I'm bad at summarizing large gaps of time. SO I begin with.. I'm fine.


V-day was a blast this year, with not a whole lot, but at the same time a shitload of things happened? It started of with Val and I going to get soethign to eat from the new Cheddars on 35.. so we go down 1709 .. get on 35s miss the cheddars.. turn around.. turn into the damn place to find that people had parked on the barren soil(grass hadn't even started growing yet) .. and we debate on staying and roughing it out or dealing with all the noise and wait times... we said. Fuck it. and continued our journey, we went al lthe way down the street that connects 35 and 377 (right by central) and turn left still deciding where the hell to eat.. who knows? But I did need a new license plate light for the mere fact that I had been pulled over several times .. so I bought one and realized that I hadn't the tools or motor skills to do it so once again I say. fuck it. We went back down 377 to Rosa's.. and of course, it's weds. NOT Taco Tues. because I suck at life. and no one was there because they were all eating at cheddars admiring the handsome fella that had contacted me via Myspace and had told me to come see him sometime... (maybe when the place isn't all the hype in such a barren area) .. so we finish eating and now it's "what the hell are we going to do now?" so we call up Daniel and tell him that we are coming over, and not even 30 seconds later Dowe calls us for V-day Cafe! We had already made plans so we couldn't make it :( We get there and the gang was there and we play a couple games do our thing and around 12:35 we are on our way back to my house when I say I want to dance lets go to S4 but I had already made a left on 377 (the wrong way from 114) so we take 170 hoping that it would smack us into 114 .. but we got too scared and turned around got back on 377 and got to 114 and headed to Dallas going 70 the entire way.. We get to S4 around 1 which gives us an hour to get harrased by obviously fucked up drag queens that are all like "give me a kiss, my husband just left me" so I try and give 'her' a kiss on the cheek to a *who the hell do you think you are not giving me a kiss on the mouth (look)* and I apologized and me and Valary made a break for the dancefloor. 3 hotties no dancing that wasn't more than 4 feet from val, I didn't want her harrased so I stayed close. Then we left and decided that Cafe Brasil coffee time was appropriate and stopped in there.. we found a VERY drunk Malary(yes Malary[boy]) and Ryan[?] anywho we also intoduce ourselves to the waiter (Brian) and we all sat up drank coffee and just chatted about nothing for hours until Brian got off, we all went back to his Appt. and watched a horror movie about evil mutant things in a cave that eat people... so we leave with goodbye hugs and memories.
We go down 75 to hook us up with northwest highway which I knew at some point would turn us onto 114 and we could go home... we drove forever........ so I was like. fuck it(time 3). We turned around and took 35N (towards denton) because I just wanted to be heading that way.. thank god it went by 121 because I was frekaing the fuck out going 80 mph .. I'm a grandma driver and the traffic was aweful. So we go through grapevine and stop at Dowe's work.. searched the whole damn place before asking someone who informed us that he was off.. (dissapointed :( ) Then went to corner bakery and ate some semi-descent breakfast, then went home and passed the fuck out.

:D Congrats if you stayed with me through the entire thing.. I prolly wouldn't have.. but it was a fun night :D

Then in recent news I will be moving in with Dowikins around the 1stish, kinda scared about no safety net and being on my own for the first time, but I'm sure I'll be fine.

Just got the leaving home jitters.

I got to get back to packing and laundry, oh oh oh no netz at the appartment so... this might be the last update for an intensely long period of time :D I'll try and stay in touch.

love you all
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