Jan 16, 2005 08:52
I went to see the movie with the 70's show guy in it. While I am well aware that me and most of my friends have entirely different taste in things you all go and see it. Esspecially as we are all young people in the working world. Thre is one scene where he is riding up the elevator telling the girl. "I'm scared shitless and have no idea what I am doing." Which I think is a really good describtion of someone who is just starting a job.
They could be like me whose boss keeps coming into my office and says are you busy you look busy. Mind you I just started working there so I really do not have that much to do besides the little tasks that I find myself. Most of these tasks are one that a high class secratary performes. FOrexample making files for all of the new scification tha we have issued in the last month. Really I was doing this cause the huge temp Paul is never going to do it, and finding anything at that damn place is impossible. I am slowly but surly organizing. But I still love how he comes in and asks if I have anything to do. You know everything that I had and it took min. Not his fault though he is super busy.
Another note on the looks people give you when you go to the movies by yourself. To me one of the best places to go by yourself i sthe movies. We all know it is the worst first date ever. There is no talking what do you really find out about that person besides what they find funny. This all in mind there is nothing that you really gain by having another person theree. Even though it is nice. People will ask, is this seat taken? All surprized when you say no.
However the nice ady that Italked to last night said that there are some cute little antiquy crafty stores down in grapevine. I am going to have to start a list of places that I need to visit here in Texas.
I also conqured my table last night. I apparently forgot an important step that involved locking the screws into place. so now my table is as sturdy as ever.