TM 217: Ring

Mar 07, 2008 15:56

OOC: Set between 2.09: Cautionary Tales and 2.10: Truth and Consequences

Picture Prompt

She stared down at the ring, strangely heavy in her cupped palm. Dead. The word echoed dully in her mind. She’d thought she’d have more time. The future stretched ahead of her, dark and bleak, and lonely. And it wasn’t over. They were still after Claire. She had to be the strong one, now. Her fingers curled around the cool band of gold and diamonds. She didn’t know what to do next. Noah’d had the plans, the knowledge. He knew how to lie. That thought should hurt, she realized, but she was too numb. She couldn’t feel anything, fear, heartache, despair, panic, rage… It was all there, hovering at the edge of her consciousness, but held at bay by a thin film of ice. Cold. That’s all there was. Frigid, desolate emptiness. “Noah,” she whispered, almost praying for tears to come. She wanted to grieve, to scream at the world that had taken him from her. But even that small comfort was denied her.

Sandra Bennet
Heroes (TV)

tm prompt, prompt response

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