Feb 08, 2005 09:56
well right now im in phys of ex. and am supose to be researching a topic to do a power point presentation on...bah i hate power point..but oh well..its not due till like the end of the quarter so its all good...
hmm sunday was some fun times...hung out during the day..my bro came home to watch the game so i saw him for a few...hmm then i went to Lauren's house to watch the game...gave her her birthday present from manda and me...she loved it...im still jealous and want it..hmm maybe i should clue ya in on what i love...we got her a johnny Damon clock...ooh he is so pretty...lol...
so me and lauren were hangin out b4 the game started and we watched sister act 2..oh sucha good movie...me and lauren were sayin "yo" the whole time cuz one of the doods said yo after everythin he said..and lauren and i found it amusing...
hmm then manda came and we hung out some more then game time...game was awsome...we made manda take some ekanasia pills cuz shes sickly..lol...hmm in the beginin evertime they showed brady i would be like ooh he is so pretty...manda laughed at me...good times...hmm game was good until manda started cheerin for the wrong team to be a pain...then she snapped out of it and cheered for the good guys....hmm so then after the game me and manda left...i went home and went to bed..good times...
hmm yesterday not much happend...school was school...i temperarily lost my cell phone but lauren patigz found it and then nin2 brought it to me at my house...yay...thanks again nin2...
hmm then my mom figured out that our heater was broken...so she was like running up and down the stairs tryin to fix it..it was quite amusing...then when the heater dood came to fix it..my mom like ran up the stairs to put ozzie bean (my dog) in my lil bros room so he would leave the heater dood along..so it was quite amusing watching my mom run around the house...
hmm ya so yesterday western new england college called me to promote their school and like were askin me all these questions and i was like hmm i dunno im just a junior and they were like oooh ok...hmm well..and so then she was like hmm k and so ya it was some good times...
hmm then i did a whole lota nothin...and hmm wow this is long enough...sorry peeps...
p.s.- pfloopy that kid we that we love so much is drivin me insane!! lol...