
Aug 31, 2005 12:43

((I wrote a short scene a while ago that's more meant as a short fic. I decided to post it here and use it as a sort of memory for Tex. Unless Church and O'Malley disagree with it. Thanks to lyssie for the beta.))

It’s a week after they install the A.I. into her armour that Tex for the first time wakes up to herself. The endless experiments and examinations in the research lab feel like images from a dream that she had no active say in, she could only sit and watch what was happening to her. She passed their little tests, every last one of them, and her superiors were excited about how well she worked together with Omega.

She took her armour off for the first time yesterday and everything was finally quiet. No endless buzzing noises telling her to destroy and eliminate. No sense of being guided by a will that isn’t exactly her own, even if she knows it’s part of her.

As she rolls onto her side, she finds Church lying sprawled out, face down, beside her. She remembers slamming him into the wall the minute they made it home last evening and she can still see the bruises on his back. Her fingers trail along them, but he doesn’t stir. Sometimes she wonders why he keeps fooling himself like this. They both know (usually when she’s in the middle of emptying his wallet on her way to another one of her lovers) that this engagement idea he has come up with won’t work. She’s strangely fascinated by why he seems so determined to continue with it.

She sighs, kisses his shoulder in a moment that she’ll choose not to remember, and climbs out of bed. There’s an uneasy feeling in her gut as she starts to slowly get dressed. She’ll be on assignment for the rest of the week together with Omega. All her life she’s worked on making it this far into the Spartan project and now that she’s reached it, she feels cheated.

But she’s Tex, and she doesn’t just give up.
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