OOC: Sanctuary chat

Aug 26, 2005 21:42

[21:02] * Donut dashes behind a couch, is fully armored, and trying ti hide.
[21:03] * Tex_freelancer wonders if she saw something pink.
[21:03] * Donut is hiding very well, he hopes.
[21:04] *** OttoSleeping is now known as Otto.
[21:04] * Tex_freelancer sees pink sticking out from behind the couch and sneaks up on it.
[21:05] * Donut has not noticed Tex yet. Peeks over the couch and looks around the room.
[21:06] * Tex_freelancer sees that the pink flash was in fact Donut and taps him with the nuzzle of her gun on his helmet.
[21:07] * Donut turns. "meep."
[21:08] * Tex_freelancer tilts her head and smirks. "Just the man I was looking for."
[21:08] * octopus , no longer tortured by the uplifting music of Abba, has fallen asleep in his chair.
[21:08] Donut: H-hello Tex! I'm dead now aren't I?
[21:08] * DrOctavius is sleeping too. Must be a snoozing Ottopus convention.
[21:08] Tex_freelancer: Very much so.
[21:08] * dself_AFK15min 's mun returns long enough to revise his prior estimate.
[21:09] *** dself_AFK15min is now known as dself_AFK15moreminutes.
[21:09] * Mr_WonkaZzz isn't an octopus, but is still asleep, occupying a corner of one of the couches.
[21:10] * Clair is awake.... Humming the opening song from Mr. Wonka's movie.
[21:10] Donut: I don't see why Sarge wants to kill me though. I didn't ask for him to get zapped!
[21:10] Tex_freelancer: Maybe someone let him believe that you did?
[21:11] Donut: ...I don't like you.
[21:11] Tex_freelancer: You decided that all on yourself, did you?
[21:11] * Donut nods.
[21:11] * Ether was here all along, he just spaced out. It's not the fault of the mun who was gaming, no, not at all.
[21:11] *** HSRyan has joined #sagesanctuary.
[21:11] Mr_WonkaZzz: ((Which movie? ^^))
[21:13] Donut: Yes I did.
[21:13] Tex_freelancer: Hi, Ether. I'm kinda occupied here.
[21:13] * Tex_freelancer wonders what's the best way to kill Donut. There's so many possibilities.
[21:13] Clair: ((THe new one.))
[21:13] octopus: ((Alien.))
[21:13] Ether: Hey.
[21:14] Ether: (( Chocolator 2 : Willy Wonka vs. the Chocolate Bunny? ))
[21:14] * Donut gives Ether a "Save Me" look, but you can't see it what with the whole being armored thing.
[21:14] Ether: (( *hums a sped up, cheerful and whacky version of the Terminator theme* ))
[21:15] HSRyan: ((Bwahaha!))
[21:15] Mr_WonkaZzz: ((I'm going to eventually have to write that, I'll have you know))
[21:16] Mr_WonkaZzz: ((Curse you, Ether. I shake my fist at j00))
[21:16] HSRyan: ((Oh, the visions...))
[21:16] *** Pyra_Trake is now known as Pyra[busyish].
[21:17] * HSRyan walks in, watching what's up from the doorway.
[21:17] * Tex_freelancer growls and grabs hold of Donut's armour and drags him over to the nearest couch, dropping him down roughly. "You really have a death wish, don't you?"
[21:17] Donut: N-no I don't!
[21:18] * Tex_freelancer leans in closer. "You seem to be asking for it."
[21:19] * HSRyan stares at the Spartans.
[21:19] * Mr_WonkaZzz sleeps through the whole thing. Whee
[21:19] *** dself_AFK15moreminutes is now known as differentself.
[21:19] differentself: ((back.))
[21:20] * Donut fidgets, thinks about runningaway.
[21:20] *** crossedwire has joined #sagesanctuary.
[21:20] * crossedwire wanders in.
[21:22] Tex_freelancer: Maybe the Sarge and I should stick our heads together and see ho much we can prolong your suffering before we do really kill you.
[21:22] * HSRyan gives Fortune an absent-minded wave.
[21:22] * crossedwire waves back, smiling a little.
[21:22] Donut: Or you two could let me live? I hear living is the worst punishment you can give someone.
[21:23] * octopus whinges in his sleep.
[21:24] * Tex_freelancer raises an eyebrow. "I might consider it if I didn't like the idea of killing you so much."
[21:24] * Donut whimpers.
[21:24] * Clair touches Ock's shoulder gently.
[21:25] * Pyra[busyish] idly pets Markus's hair underneith the blanket, watching the room.
[21:25] *** Pyra[busyish] is now known as Pyra_Trake.
[21:25] * HSRyan pulls up a seat at the bar, an eye on the pink vs. blue deathmatch.
[21:26] Tex_freelancer: You better make sure I don't run into anything to remind me of this whole incident.
[21:26] Donut: Yessir, I mean Ma'am!
[21:27] * differentself pulls the blanket off himself, sitting upright next to Pyra. He looks completely un-mussed--just as if he /hadn't/ spent the night sleeping on a couch.
[21:27] * Pyra_Trake blinks
[21:27] * Tex_freelancer grumbles. "Sir is a general term in the military, Donut."
[21:27] Donut: But you're a girl.
[21:28] Tex_freelancer: Aren't you observant.
[21:28] * differentself blinks back.
[21:29] * Pyra_Trake slips an arm around Markus and slightly leans?
[21:29] * Donut should just shut up shouldn't he?
[21:29] octopus: znbgh..... *he shifts a bit, then flops back. Probably just dreaming about something.*
[21:29] * differentself doesn't mind.
[21:29] * Tex_freelancer would probably agree that was wise.
[21:29] * HSRyan would indeed agree that Donut is digging a hole.
[21:30] * crossedwire would agree also.
[21:30] Donut: ((No, no! You dig up!))
[21:30] * differentself shifts form...
[21:30] *** differentself is now known as dself[GirlSome].
[21:30] Some: *grins*
[21:30] * Pyra_Trake grins as well, leaning on Markus now.
[21:31] * dself[GirlSome] grins back at Some.
[21:31] Tex_freelancer: If I catch you so much as thinking the word 'Love Blaster' I will find a way to drag you kicking and screaming out of the Nexus and you can trust me that you'll be wishing the Sarge killed you. Is that clear?
[21:31] Donut: Yes'm.
[21:32] HSRyan: *muttering* Whoa, man. You messed up there.
[21:32] *** Sam_Carter has joined #sagesanctuary.
[21:32] * Tex_freelancer scowls at Donut but then finally pulls back and leaves him be.
[21:32] * Sam_Carter wanders in. "Hello."
[21:32] * Donut seems to slump slightly.
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