To Mamuro

Aug 11, 2005 14:16

Tex enters Blood Gulch again, right at the edge of the non violence field, she turns around and faces Mamuro. She puts away her gun as she isn't supposed to kill him.


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moonlight_mask August 11 2005, 14:34:51 UTC
Ready, TUXEDO POWER!!! In a flash Mamoru is gone and Tuxedo Mask stands in his place. Lets rock.


tex_freelancer August 11 2005, 15:07:25 UTC
"Tuxedo power?" Tex mocked and crouched low, circling Mamuro and just observing him for a moment to see how Mamoru fights.

((Is there anything I should know? I don't really know how your character figths. Tex is currently in a robotic body so she would have a lot more strength than a normal human. But besides that, she doesn't have any complex tricks or anything, normally she uses guns.

How do you want this to end, btw? Do you want him to get away or not?))


moonlight_mask August 12 2005, 09:08:37 UTC
He doesn't move, and just stands there letting her walk around him.

((*Sigh* Dunno. Maybe he can get hurt real bad and lose most of his memory. Yeah, that sounds good. Wanna try that?))


tex_freelancer August 12 2005, 10:21:06 UTC
For a moment, it seems like neither of them will move, but then suddenly Tex launches herself at Mamuro. For the bulky robot body, there is a surprising amount of agility and speed in her movements.

((That could work. Btw, don't be afraid to damage Tex. As long as the damage is can be fixed and he doesn't render her completely immobile, I have no problem with it.))


moonlight_mask August 12 2005, 16:29:22 UTC
He easily side steps her lunge and stands there just looking at her. "That the best you got?"



tex_freelancer August 12 2005, 16:37:59 UTC
Tex falls to the ground, but it's nothing she isn't prepared for. She twists around just enough so her legs can make a powerful sweep towards Mamuro's legs to unbalance him.

"No." With a smirk, she pushes herself up and jumps back to her feet.

((I suck at writing action scenes so if there is anything that doesn't work for you, let me know and we can try again. I'm trying not to assume what happens to your character too much.

I'd suggest to not draw it out too much, though. Although, I almost have to go eat so it might be an hour or so before I can respond again.))


moonlight_mask August 13 2005, 03:52:05 UTC
He flips backwards dodging the kick and flings a few roses at her.

((Haha! Sorry for the very late reply, these time differences are really getting on my nerves.))


tex_freelancer August 13 2005, 10:17:06 UTC
Tex doesn't even bother avoiding the roses, they cling loudly against the armour, making deep scratches and even sending off some sparks but it doesn't effect her at all. She just manages to catch the slip of his cape and pull him back, making a swing for his face. Her instincts tell her to fight fully, but she knows she can't kill him so she has to hold back.

((No worries. Where are you? I'm in Belgium.))


moonlight_mask August 14 2005, 08:01:04 UTC
Taking the punch in his face, he rolls over and jumps up again blood trickling from his nose. Launching himself into the air he aims a vicious judo kick downwards at her.

((Malaysia. Mind is we slowtime this? I mean REALLY slowtime it, 'cause I don't know what the time diff is, therefore not knowing when you come online.))


tex_freelancer August 14 2005, 10:27:32 UTC
The kick brings Tex out of balance, but she manages to grab hold of Mamuro's ankle. As she falls backward, she pulls him down with him.

((Er slowtime? You mean like it's going now? I think there's a 7 hours difference between us. We're probably just online at completely different times.))


moonlight_mask August 14 2005, 14:06:42 UTC
He flips out of her grasp and lands a few feet away. "Not bad. Not bad at all."

((Yup. Probably.))


tex_freelancer August 14 2005, 14:14:41 UTC
"It's a start," Tex got back to her feet and crouched low. "But you're fighting a body that can't be hurt, boy." No sooner were the words said or she jumped up at him like a tiger, using her entire bulk to bring them both to the ground. This would be so much easier if she didn't have to keep him intact.


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