18 April
I went out for a drive with Jessica, and it was really rather lovely. We crossed the seven miles of the San Mateo bridge, blasting out 'Time For Heroes' over a very foggy bay in bright sunshine; and then went down the coast. Stopped for a while at a secluded beach, where we gazed at elephant seals, pelicans, iridescent seaweed, and sea anemones. Then inland and up into redwood country, to look for newts: we didn't find any of those (though we did spot a banana slug), but the trees and the views were certainly impressive. They do have some beautiful countryside in California, there's no denying it. In the evening, I had been intending to go and see Morrissey at Oakland's Paramount Theater, only it got cancelled, so I just stayed in and got drunk with Jessica again. Her boyfriend might not approve, but I like the fact that she drinks like I do.
19 April
Then, today, into Fruitvale for tacos. One can't get authentic Mexican food on the East coast, and one definitely can't get it in the UK, so I had been looking forward to this. And we had a little stroll around the neighbourhood: but it was really much too hot for doing anything substantial, so mostly I just idled away the couple of hours until it was time to head to the airport, in order to fly up to... Vancouver! Where you now find me, sitting in the apartment of a certain
lil_ashy. Yay!