dear avatar fandom

May 29, 2009 22:21

Please stop comparing Sozin's Comet to Deathly Hallows. They are not even remotely the same. Deathly Hallows was complete shit. It was not foreshadowed, contradicted established canon and itself, and relied on total luck. Plus the main characters did nothing but whine and sit in a tent. It was boring and stupid.

Yes, I know the final Avatar ships were a vortex of suck, much like the final HP ships were a vortex of suck. The fact that no one died was brilliant. The main, evil villain always dies in these things.  I wanted them to keep Ozai shackled in the basement, but in no way expected them to actually do it. You can bet Ozai didn't expect it, either. If, somewhere in the dim, cobwebb-y area of his mind he thought he would be beaten, you know he expected to be executed. For him to be defeated and essentially crippled while his loser son that he had banished is ruling on his throne has got to be the ultimate humiliation. And do not tell me that this came out of nowhere. The lionturtles were shown in The Library and the episode with Sokka's master. Aang has always been about respecting life and was very against taking revenge. I thought it was absolutely amazing that they showed everyone, no matter how evil, is a human being.

Also, the complaint that the guru was completely contradicted? I thought it was pretty clear that the guru was wrong, like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda were wrong when they wanted Luke to kill Vader. They thought a person couldn't be redeemed from the Dark Side, Luke thought differently. Luke was right. The whole guru episode seemed pretty clearly Star Wars influenced to me, actually. Aang's problem wasn't his attachment to Katara; he just couldn't allow his attachment to rule him.

I'll admit, Aang discovering spirit-bending was a bit rushed, though, and the little epilogue thingamajig in the Earth Kingdom was completely WTF.  However, the entire third season had pacing issues, with a lot of filler, and was full of ships that were a vortex of suck (I like this phrase). But, nothing is perfect, and the good, to me at least, FAR outweighs the bad.

And nothing will ever, ever be as amazingly bad as Deathly Hallows.

that is all,

dear fandom, rantage, fandom:hp, fandom:starwars, fandom:avatar, deathly hallows

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