Mar 18, 2005 01:36
yeah so, sean and i went on to a couple of bars tonight. and im not a big bar guy. but first we went to draft pics, which is more of a sports bar. and maybe half the place is filled and i run into some guy thats wasted off his ass already and starts talking to be in the bathroom. sorry but thats just weird. and he ends up coming over and talking to us for half the time we are there. because he surfs and junk, and i said i was from Fiji. correlation(whatever) i suppose. he buys us a round of jagermiester or something. free drinks are cool. then we head of to cascade pizza, which is the "happenin' place". and it is. but there still isn't as many people as they expect and i run in to an old Fijian friend of mine. what are the odd. so he invites us to his table by the dance floor and starts ordering rounds for everyone while he is out dancing, whatever. (yeah, im alittle intoxicated, but im trying not to sound it). i ended up get pretty drunk, and only spending $40, for two people, during a pretty heavy drinking night. i think thats an accomplishment. now im going to sleep. good bye.