Sarah Palin Convention Speech I read Palin's speech, and I think it was ok. If she embellishes her record as an ethical reformer, at least there is some real and honest work there to embellish. I like that she auctioned off her private gubernatorial jet. On family, I'm more impressed that she's raising a Down Syndrome baby and has a son deploying to Iraq than I am concerned that her teen daughter is pregnant.
The policy attacks on Obama were Republican boilerplate, sadly not updated since Bush took the country from record surpluses to record deficits. If our next president doesn't raise taxes to balance the budget, I think the country is headed toward deepening debt and eventual bankruptcy.
The style attack on Obama has a grain of truth, and it needed to be said. Obama's a skilled politician working for some good causes; but so far he's not the messiah, and his resume is a little thin.
I think so far I prefer Palin as a vice-presidential pick to Romney, Giuliani, or Brownback.
The Sarah Palin FAQ: