Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Monday he was "deeply disturbed" by the barrage of gunfire unleashed by officers in a weekend shooting that killed a groom on his wedding day Let's pause for a second here. A driver running over people in a thousand-pound automobile can hardly be considered unarmed.
If the police commissioner is giving an accurate description of events, then I have some sympathy for the police officers involved. They were firing at a car that had already struck one officer and a police vehicle. The officers would have been in violation of procedures, but they could have a legitimate fear for their lives and the safety of the public.
On the other hand, if Ms. Wright is telling the truth, then it was the police who hit the groom's car, and then started firing without warning. Completely inexcusable, and showing appalling disregard for civilian lives.
We need some good scientific forensics and careful witness interviews to figure out what happened, not just political cover-ups and public relations ploys. Where's CSI?