
Oct 27, 2010 19:17

[Drone filter.]

As it has been stated by my teammate, RED vill be setting up a control point at zhe hospital. If you heff any injured who may need assistance, feel free to bring zhem zhere, und I vill do my best.
--zhat brings me to my next statement. I may need some assistance myself, so any healers vill be appreciated. Fighters, too; ve REDs probably cannot hold off all of zhe hazmats by ourselves, zhough I know some of us vill try. It is also a good idea to reinforce zhe building's defenses, so if you heff skills pertaining to zhat area, it vould be appreciated.

Und again, be careful. Littering zhe streets vith bodies vill only make it difficult for people to get around in zhis mess.

Before I forget, however. Zhe child who can build zhe Engineer's devices--I vould like to speak vith you, if you heff not been killed by zhe hazmats at zhis time.

[Filtered to RED Spy.]

Herr Spion, are you still alive? Sniper informed me of your house being destroyed--if you heff not been killed, respond, bitte.

that there kid, control point setup, stratemagizin', red spy

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