
Oct 12, 2010 13:19

[Medic is not pleased. The new wife that showed up a while ago is still in his house, and his nice little drone wife is still absent. All of the people he had had previous plans to do Terrible Science with seem to have either been droned or are just avoiding him. He can't go to work now without having to put up with his RED hack counterpart being a dick to him. He is still blind. The Post Office did return his ability to speak German, but that's hardly going to make up for the rest of it.

He needs to get back into the swing of things, he's decided. He thought he could be happy with his little family unit life in Mayfield -- but now that Mayfield has seen fit to remove the only part of that family unit that he liked, his thoughts are taking a turn for the cynical. He needs to cut someone up, do some Science, have a real fight. Anything but this monotony.]

[The only thing that will fix this restlessness is a three-option post! You can find Medic:

A. Wandering the streets, wearing his BLU uniform again for the first time since he got it back all those weeks ago as a regain. He's grinning like a maniac and holding the largest knife his kitchen had to offer. Do you approach this madman, y/n?

B. At the park, still in uniform, and doing what appears to be... scouting? It won't do much good without eyesight, but he's trying to plot the best place to dig. He and Ichabod theorized that the main respawn might be buried under the park, and by jove, he is not going to wait any longer to test that theory. Unfortunately, to an outsider, it'll just look like he's stumbling around, occasionally touching trees and rocks and mumbling to himself. Want to help the poor blind doctor?

C. Quite cheerfully slicing up a drone man on a downtown sidewalk. Just because he can't see doesn't mean he can't tell where the softest places to plunge his knife are. Are you going to be a good person and tell him to stop? Or would you like to join?]

!action, !regains

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