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freakinblur July 25 2010, 14:53:19 UTC
[And just when he thought he lost all of his teammates, not one but now two return!

....But it's Doc. Erm.]

...Doc? 'Zat really you?


teutonic_terror July 25 2010, 22:03:17 UTC
Ja, zhis is really me. Do you vhant to know vhat you can do, Scout? You can take zhat ridiculous bat of yours und break zhe vhindows of zhe pharmacy und bring me as much morphine as your twiggy little arms can carry.

[He's in a bad mood, Scout. Can you tell?]


freakinblur July 25 2010, 22:20:36 UTC
[Yep, that's him.]

Huh. So you an' Engie 'r both finally back. May be hope fer Snipes an' Spy yet, then.

What the hell do ya need morphine for?


teutonic_terror July 25 2010, 22:36:19 UTC
Scout, who is zhe doctor here, me or you? Do not question. Just obey.

[He should make propaganda posters.


Spy und Sniper vhere droned?


freakinblur July 25 2010, 22:53:30 UTC
...Yeah, all 4 of yer dumb asses were! Engie just came back though. Not the other two though.


teutonic_terror July 25 2010, 22:59:37 UTC
Hm. Interesting. I shall heff to stop by zhe houses of Spy und Sniper later und investigate zhis. For now, I am in no state to do so.

He really isn't--

Don't eavesdrop, vhoman! It is rude.


freakinblur July 25 2010, 23:08:48 UTC
So ya really need morphine? I can see if I can get some, I guess?


teutonic_terror July 25 2010, 23:10:41 UTC
Or somezhing similar. Not zhat I vhould trust you to know vhone drug from anozher, of course.

[The fact that he's asking Scout of all people to do this speaks to just how important he feels it is.]


freakinblur July 25 2010, 23:25:44 UTC
[And the fact that Scout's talking to you for this long shows how worried he was about his rapidly-disappearing teammates. Not that he'd admit it.]

Awright, awright! Ya want me ta get this stuff 'r not? I'll see what I can do.


teutonic_terror July 25 2010, 23:40:15 UTC

[Aaaand he's going to go back to camping out under his blankets and hating the world.]


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