
Aug 28, 2009 22:57

I'M SORRY. I have to do a cut. It's just a small cut. I have 100+ mutual friends listed on my profile but I only talked to half of it, I guess. Reasons for cutting are simple. You already have moved your journal, so why keep your old? We don't have much in common anymore. We don't talk. You never commented on my entries and vice versa. Your journal is inactive for quite some time now and I don't know if you'll be coming back or in just in a short hiatus. There are more of it, but if you're still interested in being my friend (get to know me at least) please pm me anytime.

This is hard for me since it'll be my first cut. Nothing personal though. I just need space for new friends in the future. *hugs*

So please check your status if we're still friends, if not, I'M SORRY ONCE AGAIN. Please remove me off of your flist too. Thanks.

bleeding while cutting my f-list

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