The Ford Theatre Reunion and Middle-Aged Toothless Men

Feb 13, 2010 22:34

Yesterday Beth, Laura, and I had a fantastic night. We got to see Charlie's band, the uncommon Pokemon known as Buddy, and get hit on by a drunk toothless old man. We went to Buster's to see the Ford Theatre Reunion. I know the violinist, bassist, and clarinet/vocalist. Laura knew the stripper. Knowing strippers is far more exciting.

There were a few shows before them. First was Helen Keller's Ukulele and then the Freak Show. The Freak Show was more like a Geek show because they juggled, laid on a bed of nails, walked on glass, and shoved a spike up their nose. Between every few acts was a strip show. Laura and I left the first one to get more drinks and to talk to Buddy. Yaaaaay Buddy! We did go back and saw the rest of the show and caught the final strip show... which was hilariously alarming because it was Nazi-like with tasseled nipple pasties.

The Ford Theatre Reunion was pretty fantastic. Their show last night was better than when they played at Beaux Arts Fall Ball. Their style changed a bit, but definitely for the better. Charlie said they're slowly ditching their old material. It was a overall lot of fun. I was disappointed that their set wasn't that long considering that they were the headliners.

We left Busters to get food at Tolly Ho. The Ho was full of people who just left the bar. We sat in the back of the restaurant and got hassled by a drunk. He was a middle-aged black man missing about 80% of his teeth. He was slurring really badly so I had a lot of trouble hearing. I think he said,

"OHMYGODOHMYGOD you are so beautiful. OHMYGODOHMYGOD you are a doll baby. You so shy doll baby! You know it!  mumble mumble  educated mumble mumble work at the University of Kentucky Hospital. You educated too. I know it! OHMYGODOHMYGOD YOU'RE DYNAMITE! mumble mumble mumble mumble Jim Crow Laws mumble mumble Good ol' days you know! OHMYGODOHMYGOD you are a doll baby!"

It went on forever! He had a friend who was taking care of him, so every few minutes he would shout "LEAVE THESE WOMEN ALONE!" But that didn't really help too much. And apparently the drunk guy really did say Jim Crow Laws was part of the good ol' days...HOW?!?!!

shows, drunk guys

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