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Gamasutra - ESA Confirms Details Of ‘Expanded’ June E3 I noticed some of the press complaining about the size, or how there should be public days like TGS.
I think returning to the old E3 is absolutely the right idea.
- Retailers will care again.
- Mainstream media will care again.
- Publishers will care again.
Sure, the press won’t like having to fight through crowds… But crowds are good. Crowds playing games are good for the team to get a wide cross section of reactions to their games. Pictures of crowds playing games are good for media coverage. Hordes of crowds lined up to play a game sends a big signal to buyers. Crowds are good.
I also think the idea that public days are the way to induce crowds is actually counter-productive. What you can show/include in a public demo versus what you can show/include in demos for a more restricted audience are fundamentally different. Full-on public crowds are also harder to manage.
Either way, I am happy to have the old E3 back for the attack.