May 23, 2006 01:01
I still get that feeling when I think about what happened in Idaho... you know that feeling where you stop breathing and you just want to forget... you just want to get it out of your mind. I don't like thinking about it, there's too many mixed emotions I get from it. I think... I should face it and deal with it... but not now, I need to let it simmer, let time deaden the pain a bit. The land of fear and loathing? Maybe. Before her there was no reason to go there... and now... there's no reason to go back. Such a shame. It's a beautiful area... too bad there's creatures like her lurking about.
I shouldn't be angry, I really shouldn't. She did what she thought was the best thing to do... and when I think about it, yeah, she handled it pretty well... I guess. I just wish she had gone about it differently. Taking me to a bar to meet one of her abusive friends really wasn't the brightest idea. What the fuck was she thinking?