
Apr 20, 2010 09:19

yes i rolled ANOTHER alt  - too many alts so little time. My paladin was pretty and invincible but ever so dull asi cna just leave him with a concecrate and bonking things with the heirloom bonkstick and make myself tea. I'll probably Dual level him with my new lil' hunter - Tenjoname. She's got one of the fulgy faces (cheer for 'proper' trolls, not that "oooh how did THAT get in there pretty pornstar face one) and a marvellous red crest.

Best of all she has a pet crab called thermidor to match (should be a lobster but hey) Which seems to have gained her some notority running through orgim...

Personally i blam sven. All his fault I'm levelling with his shammy!
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