What "inner" child?

May 28, 2009 20:14

Okay, I feel a little silly raving about a cartoon while some of my peers already have careers and families, but I've decided I'm not going to hide who I am (a 13-year-old fangirl? 0_o), and if something makes me this happy, then I won't be ashamed of it, and I'm going to squee on my LJ, dammit!  >=|  Yeah, so... there!

Anyway...  Aahhh!  Mom and I just finished watching the end of Avatar: The Last Airbender!  :D  *spazzes out*  It's soo gooooood!  I LOVE THIS SHOW!  @_@  It's so awesomely dramatic, comedic, romantic, and EPIC.  I love how the world-building is based on so many different ancient Asian cultures and mythologies.  The writing is just so fantastic, and the animation so beautiful, and the voice acting so talented.  *squee*  :D

I can't believe we watched all three seasons (61 episodes) in just a couple of weeks (we've been borrowing the DVDs from the library [i love you library <3]).  Mom really enjoyed it, too.  I love my mom.  She's so cool!  XD  I'm kinda sad that it's over though.  It was such an amazing show.  T_T  It doesn't matter if it's a cartoon!  It's still one of the best shows I've ever watched!!  Definitely #2 on my Favorite Animated Shows list.  (#1, of course, being Batman TAS. ;)  It's modeled after anime, not today's American cartoons (*cough*SpongeBob*cough*), so it has excellent production value, story, characters, and art.  In fact, I recommend it to any of my friends who enjoy anime.  ^^

My god, it's so wonderful, I want to buy it.  ...Mm, nah, need to save money and not go on fannish binges.  =P  But I'm definitely going to watch all the commentary!  :D:D:D  I can't think of a way to end this post because I'm still on a squee-high.  O_O  Whatever.



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