New World Order.

Sep 14, 2008 01:30

Well it took me about half a month but I finally noticed that there are now big ole ads running down the side of any basic account which is not logged in. I knew about the big ole one in the profile page that would vanish after I logged in but had no idea about the ones on the main page as I don't keep up with the LJ news or look at main pages when not logged in [it was a fluke that I happened to].

Even though I don't write much, the idea of writing next to these ads as the default grates on me pretty badly so I've now shoved everything under a "friends" lock so that it's up to readers if they read the thing with or without ads. So if you're not in, and you want in, pipe up here [you probably have to say 'cause as we see here I'm not too good with the noticing things].

2016 update (5 years after I should have thought of it. Ha!). No need to pipe up 'cause most of what I write is open over here instead.