happy day after new years!

Jan 02, 2005 08:33

Concerning yesterday:

Went over to Ashe’s place to work on building Smaugs hall w/maya.
Due to it’s geometric nature, Dwarvish architecture is *very* well suited to NURBS modeling. After scaning the design and loading it into Maya, we covered it with a large polygon, which was devided up into 5 smaller polygons that came to represent one floor level each. Each of the levels were extruded to the apropriate hight. After a couple hours we could pretty much navigate (walk) through the building and its stair cases, corridors, wall recesses, platforms and walkways. Columns will come later. It’s an impressive structure, if I do say so myself. I’ve liked architecture for a long time. Not the light, glassy modern crap so much as the weighty gothic or classical stuff. Some neogothic is amazing too. But architecture would be a horrible field of study for me. Atleast in America. Furking building codes. Furking look-alike codes. Now, architecture for a themepark might be closer to my interest...but not close enough to risk/invest the time necessary to pursue it. Well, atleast I can be a Frank Lloyd Wright for the peoples of middle earth, “Good ‘ol Charles, building middle earth since the first age.” That shall be my legacy as a painter/ wannabe filmmaker.

So after that, I went over to me grandfathers house for dinner. Grandfather is interesting once you get past his reserved shell. I wont bother describing my aunt and uncle at this point. Just know they’re more batty than they should be. And slightly embarasing.

So after dinner I went over to Abes to watch Practice Day. It was alright...for a tough guy movie. Predictably, when the movie was over, all us guys were toughed up, so we talked about fighting. Vic *knows* karate, so he took it upon himself (using me as a practice dummy) to show everyone how to imobilize (okay, those ones were uncomfortable), get out of a grip or head-lock. Shy, who was the only girl there...couldnt stand the macho talk, so she went off to instant message in another room. I probably would’ve too if I wasnt stuck in a death-grip. heh.
And what did I learn about Karate? When in doubt, just grab for the balls.

Concerning Today:
...uck. Today is the day before tomorrow. A red day! A school day! Tonight I’ll prolly do another movie thang. Josh wants to see scarface. Again. Maybe I'll be sick *wink*
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