May 26, 2005 09:45
Hey... I haven't updated in forever... so here it goes:
Yesterday I had my Geometry and World History/English Finals. My WH/English, was sooo easy. Math... not so much. But I think I did ok... hopefully. I just got done taking my "Keyboarding" Final lol. We shouldn't even of had a final. It's so easy! I feel dumb for even doing it. but whatever. I also have my Journalism Final today, which is already finished. I just have to turn it in.
Only two more days of school left. This school year has gone by so fast. I'm really kind of bummed that I didn't get a yearbook but that's ok, maybe next year. I did get my Class Ring though on Tuesday and I love it. I think it's pretty. I'm afraid to wear it though b/c I don't want to lose it.
Troy picked me up from my house yesterday at 5 and we went to his house and I met his grandparents and it was so funny. We didn't have enough seats at the dinner table so Troy's g-pa says to me, "Here darlin', you can hop right up on my lap!" lol I started laughing and I think I blushed and Troy was like, "No" I giggled. He was a sweet guy, but his grandmother was very... proper I guess you could say. And I admit, I am not anywhere close to being proper. So I didn't talk to his g-ma much.
Troy dropped me off at Cosmo b/c I wanted to go see my dad play ball. Troy couldn't come b/c he said he had to study for finals. Good guy... I haven't studied, at all. My dad did really great. When I got there I spotted my mom and I sat by her and talked to her. I love talking to her. My dad had a double-header. For those of you who don't know softball/baseball... a "double-header" is when you play two games in a row. lol. Emma, that was for you. lol But maybe you already knew that I don't know. He won both games. The first one he won 21-2!! How sad is that?? I felt bad for the team that lost. The game only lasted 4 innings cuz they sucked so bad. The last game was close but it ended up being 8-4 my dad's team winning. It's so amazing b/c my dad's team has some of the oldest players in history (I think the oldest is 57? and my dad is 49) and here he is beating all these 20-25 year old teams. It's really quite funny b/c the youngin's come in thinking, "Man we're gunna play against a bunch of ol' timers. No problem." and then my dad's team whoops 'em. lol I love it.
This weekend is our garage sale. It's so frickin huge. I hope some of my friends come. They don't have to buy anything but I want to see them come and talk to me b/c I get so bored while hosting a garage sale. Me and Lucy are going to split the money we make for our vacation to Phoenix, Arizona on June 4th-12th. It'll be fun. I'm looking forward to getting a nice tan, or a nice sunburn, one of the two. Since the weather down there is 95+.... aaaghhh! lol.
My last day at Boone Landing was on Tuesday. It was really sad I cried. I couldn't help it. I love those residents so much and I really didn't want to quit but I had to b/c it was becoming more and more difficult to walk away from Mary without punching her in the face. lol. This weekend I'm going to go apply at NBS. They have job openings for good typers and I'd just sit at a computer all day entering data into a computer for 9.00/hr. Which is so much easier than being a waitress and I get paid 2.50 more per hour! YES PLEASE! I love to type. And I can bring my cd player and soda... it'll be s-w-e-e-t! MegAnn Schalder, from v-ball, works there. Her mom told my mom that I should go apply there. So I think I might just do that.
Also on Sunday I'm going on a float trip in Rolla with my mom, Lucy, and one of lucy's friends. My mom said I can bring a friend and I think I'm going to bring Kayla just b/c I haven't hung out with her in ages and we really need to catch up on some things. I miss talking to her and hearing about her life. It'll be some nice quality time with Kayla, that is if we don't drown in the river b/c none of us has ever driven a canoe before and we have to do it for 8 miles! Wish me luck.
Ok this is a freakishly long entry so I'm gunna go and I'll try to do better about updating in this thingy.