(no subject)

Apr 23, 2005 20:58

You think you know, but you have no idea.
Here are 30 things that you didn’t know before about Jessie Layne Guthrie

1. I don't think I can ever go back to taekwondo...
2. I've been to Spain, France, Italy, England, and Ireland.
3. I really wish that I knew how to dance
4. I get jealous of Lucy (my sis) a lot.
5. That I have a wedgie right now... oh! bet ya didn't know that huh?
6. That my mom confiscated all my journals and read them all and has now hidden them somewhere and won't tell me where.... :(
7. I seriously think my dad doesn't like me.
8. I am so self-consious that I haven't gone swimming in 2 years.
9. I have to fight depression every day
10. I am obsessive-compulsive about some things. I can't step on cracks. I pull my eyelashes out of my eyes daily (aghh...so embarrasing, no one knows that), if I don't I feel weird.
11. I hate cheerleaders
12. I bite my fingernails til they bleed
13. I sucked my thumb til I was 12-13. *major blush*
14. I feel like a mother most of the time.
15. I lie sometimes and I hate it about myself. :(
16. I love to swing
17. If I could play Tetris all day long, I would.
18. I will never smoke... anything... ever... period.
19. I hate my feet and hands.
20. I have cellulite.
21. I don't think I could ever be a mom, much more, be successful at it.
22. My hush music would definitely have to be Eminem.
23. I used to write poetry, but I don't anymore... don't know why.
24. I hate Sarah Chapman
25. I hate chocolate, dougnuts, and watermelon. yea.. I'm weird! JEALOUS?
26. I cuss too much
27. I don't believe in God.
28. I've probably dated around 15 guys....
29. I'm a control freak.
30. I love my friends more than anything or anyone and I don't think they know this but I seriously would DIE for them, in a heart beat, no doubt. If me and my friends were in a situation where one of us had to die, I would do it, without complaining, without doubt, and without regret.
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