The power of this speech literally brought me to tears over how divided we seem as a nation, and the true possibility of hope for our future. Maybe I'm being naive, and I know people have made comments about his voting record being no different than Hillary's, but the more I read about Barack, the more I look at how he thinks, and the more I see how he is a true statesman, the more I support this man.
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I suppose that part of my feelings are in reaction to the viciousness that other campaigns have done to attempt to hurt Barack with outright lies. Just today, I received an email from a coworker, who I generally have a deep respect for, but he was spreading complete lies with only the smallest grain of truth, that one can not even place it into that category ( Those who started these lies, should be held accountable, and one way of doing this is to make sure those lies do not spread more, and that they are ineffective.