Apr 07, 2011 04:08
I tend to forget about my internet... ehh, accounts? It's nearing 4:00 a.m., I officially don't care about using the proper word in the proper place.
But, as stated, I tend to forget and neglect the internet for extended periods of time. It's been a good twelve days, hasn't it? I should really post more.
As a side note I'm quite happy that I resisted my instinct to type "More" as "Moar."
Hmm. Tetra HAS been busy in the near-fortnight she has been gone. I've (switching perspectives, for shame!) been making shirts as a hobby lately. People keep asking me to make them one.
I should start charging. It's getting expensive.
The 3DS is delightful, and finding ways to crash it was oh-so-fun. I found two before the first update: once when I was trying to load the AR App "Graffiti," the screen went black and the music kept playing. Had to hold the power button forever to get it to turn the hell off. Another time it glitched somewhere in between the "Home" and the "Camera" menus. Once again, an eternity of holding the power button.
The new update (already, we have issues...) fixed those little issues, however... at least for the moment.
As for the system itself, I do have an opinion.
Personally, the layout irks the hell outta me. I do love the analog stick (WHY DIDN'T CAPCOM WAIT TO RELEASE OKAMIDEN FOR THE 3DS?) and the buttons work just fine. But the relocation of.. well, everything was a bit disconcerting. I didn't find the microphone until two weeks after I actually obtained the system, I miss the ability to adjust the brightness by holding select, and the Start/Select/Home buttons took some getting used to. The DS Stylus was moved to the back, which is thoroughly unpleasant but seemingly necessary, so I'll let it slide.
I personally feel that the system is too shiny (and suddenly, fingerprints! Thousands of them!) but that's just my take.
... I loathe the quality of the 3DS camera. Yes, it can take pictures in 3D! But the quality of said pictures is crap!
I'm still using my DSi (who's L and R buttons finally gave out) as my primary camera. I need to get out and get an actual camera... one day.
Games for the 3DS looks gorgeous. Nintendogs looks adorable and exceptionally floofy, and Street Fighter is... well, glorious. Plus, there is a line-up of games on the way that makes me positively GIDDY! LoZ:OoT! THREE potential Shin Megami Tensei games! And the rumor that Pokemon "Grey" will be 3DS-enhanced! It's sheer delight to think about these games in 3D... especially Ocarina of Time. I mean, updated graphics? Poor game is long overdue for the special treatment.
But with these gorgeous graphics on this larger top screen comes a problem: older games look horrific.
It's not as bad or noticeable with CG games like Animal Crossing or whichever Battle City-era Yu-Gi-Oh! game I have... ah, Nightmare Troubadour. (Snrrrrrk.)
But pop in a GORGEOUSLY pixeled game like The World Ends With You and all hell breaks loose with the badness of the graphics. So, it's a bit of a win/lose on that end.
It's a sound system, but I'm not 100% sold on one yet, even though I already own it I'm still wary of it. Though I'm not stricken with a case of They Changed It Now It Sucks, I am still leery of what's to come.
I do hope that what DOES come around blows my mind, though~
Aside from playing around with the 3DS, I've been doing lots of yardwork and other things. Starting raising my own mealworms due to my local PetSmart selling me dead ones. Not too happy that I have to (EEEEEEEEGGH I DON'T LIKE WHAT THEY GROW INTO,) but Huey (my Leopard Gecko) has to eat something!
I've ordered some waxworms to raise as gecko treats. Waxworms make me smile because they turn into moths, which I like. Gotta keep them contained, however, as they are a parasite to beehives and I don't want our numerous local pollinators to suffer even if I am allergic to them and they like me.
I'm also raising Painted Lady butterflies (saw the ad, had to order them ^-TT;) and am considering placing an order for some Luna Moths. They're indigenous (if very rare,) so it wouldn't nuke the natural order of things if I did. Still debating, though.
Lately my Pomeranian/Pekingese mix, Maggie, has had some monstrous breath. She's never been want for bones and things to clean her teeth on, but I've still taken it upon myself to get the chicken-flavored-toothpaste and start manually cleaning her teeth. Surprisingly, she likes the process!
Sometimes, I wonder what to do with my life. I'm still pupating, I've not yet emerged from my cocoon. What will turn into, I wonder...?
personal updates,
random musings