Simplicity [Koyato]

Jul 28, 2006 16:04

Title: Simplicity
Pairing: Koyato [I finally returned <3]
Genre: I have no idea?
Notes: I'm only 14, why am I feeling so angsty all the time? D': But you know, writing this [even though it's short as hell as usual] has made me realise how much I love writing Koyato. I dunno why it's just something about them seems right for me XD Anyway, hope you enjoy the fic ^-^;

From the very beginning it’s always been simple. When Koyama caught Shige by the wrist and pulled him aside, there were no tales of longing and heartbreak; a simple ‘I think I’m in love with you.’ was all that Koyama uttered.

When they shared their first kiss, it could barely be called as such. More like a soft brushing of lips, pulling apart with gentle smiles and a slight crinkling of the eyes. Their fingers would entwine and Koyama would lead Shige into the rehearsal room for practice; the same as every other day.

The first time they made love, Shige remembers, was tender and comforting. Not the sort of hard, heavy ‘fucking’ Ryo would boast about in the changing rooms from aside a barely visible Uchi, his face buried under layers pillows in embarrassment.

For other people, their relationship may have been considered boring, unexciting, perhaps even a little old fashioned. But Shige cherishes this simplicity, cherishes that in a cold, harsh world, such as the one we live in, one can find pleasure in such a simple thing. The heat of a body beside you on a cold winters morning, a voice calling ‘okaeri’ when you walk through the door, a strong embrace around your shoulders when you think the entire world has turned it’s back on you.

It’s these simple things, Shige thinks, that make their relationship complete.

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