((lol what is having only one genderbent icon oops - but yeah she's bent FYI))

Jan 16, 2009 23:12

((She's since calmed down from yesterday, but is still pretty freaked out, lmao))

If anyone's really concerned about being the opposite gender, you can come get one of these from me.

They're potions! Miraculous, gender-switching-back potions! It worked fine on me, as you can see. Plus, they're virtually tasteless, so there's absolutely no drawbacks at all! I'll sell them to you for super cheap. Just come to my dorm, and it's yours!

((S/he is stuffing her shirt btw, and the potions are just food coloring and water. :Db So that is that. And yes they're ridiculously expensive.))

Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention. It might take a few days to kick in.
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