
Aug 15, 2010 01:32

 I really should have learned this lesson last year but Edinburgh during August is a crowded, unpleasant place to be.  The population doubles, with most of the 500 000 extra people being crammed onto two roads, the Royal Mile and Princes Street.  Only a week into the Fringe and I am already having to resist the urge to scream at the tourists and push them out of the way when they stop in the middle of the road.

On the other hand I have seen some damn good stuff thanks to all the extra performers in the city.  During the first three days my cousin and I were handed over £30 of free tickets plus the savings on 2for1s and other discounts.  And the free fringe is excellent value if you don't mind walking past the performers without putting anything in the bucket.

So, good stuff
Paid for
Call Mr. Robeson About the singer and civil rights activist Paul Robeson
Ma Joyce's Tales from the Parlour A Scouse comedy with tea and cake
Following Wendy a very twisted take on Peter Pan
Mysterious Skin Is it UFOs or isn't it Definitely not for children
Potted Panto from the creators of Potted Potter 7 pantomimes in 70 minutes.  Probably the best show this fringe for comic genius
Your Days Are Numbered Possibly a first, a stand up mathematician takes on the maths of death

Free Stuff
Robin Ince Carl Sagan is Still My God a celebration of science and the weird with different guests each day
Robin Ince Asks Why a mix of rants and musings, changes from day to day
Papa's got a Brand New Wigbag sketch show comedy from some of Radio 4's comedy writers (one of them almost shares a name with one of my uncles)
Rapconteur classic literature through rap
Mark Watson's Unusually Enjoyable Book Launch a surreal experience, including a reading given from a building site to 200 people while Watson is handed various potential makeshift megaphones, a mugging in a dark alley and two hundred people trying to cross the road during one set of traffic light changes
Amoeba to Zebra life on Earth - the rock opera
Ghosts Busted a skeptical tour of Edinburgh's ghost stories with some real history thrown in

Still some stuff I would like to get into if I can, some stuff I want to see for a second time and some stuff where I just go "You want me to pay money for this?"  So if all the performers could please stay till the end of August while all the tourists go home I would be ever so grateful.

aargh, fringe

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