Jul 25, 2007 17:44
So these past couple of weeks have been pretty rough, but I'm doing okay though. Still get sad every once in a while but then I remind myself what I need to do. So many times have I just wanted to pick up that phone and call....that's been the hardest part, not hearing your voice anymore. But this time apart has already shown me so much about what I've been doing wrong and I can't believe I would go so far with my behavior to ruin something that was so good. I have noticed what I need to change and have already changed some, but there is still some more that needs to be done....I just hope and pray will all of my heart that when the time comes...if the times comes that you will hear me out and just believe in me when I try to prove to you that I have changed, broken myself of these childish acts. I will still do anything for you like I have always said....and I ruined what we had when I didnt. I am still so very sorry Cara. All I can do now is hope, hope that she'll hear me out later on down the road. Please.
With all my love for you and so much more,