Nov 29, 2004 19:09
my long weekend was pretty good,hung out with trist most of the time, of course.
my grades are gay. im pretty sure i have 5 A's & 3 D's bbbooooguuusss. trig, apush & physics, the 3 deadly sins. but, with my new homework plan, ill bring those bad puppies up!
the mom (aka- the "anti christ") exploded at me today because i wanted to order pizza and then proceeded to bitch at me for not cleaning my bedroom & bathroom. Maybe if she would of asked me to i would of... geez.
Im in a big money problem, but luckily i dont think im gonna hafta pay anymore for my car itself.
-Gas Money (takes premium too)
-insurance i have to pay (over $100 a month)
-phone bill (i went way over the limit, this one is my own fault, $200)
all on babysitting two-three a week? yea, looks like abby is out for a dreaded j-o-b.
this made me depressed so im going back to my homework... joy.