Oct 14, 2008 18:04
I'm copying Meg.
"I saw this thing online. The person was talking about how crappy the economy is and life for a lot of people simply just isn't that great. So she was like list 15 things that you're happy about. Sometimes its not the big things but the small things. So in the spirit of being ridiculously corny, I'm going to do that here. And you should too"
1. My friends are amazing.
2. I have the best boyfriend who I can laugh and talk with and be completely myself.
3. I have a really great family. And the best dad. The more people I meet as I get older, the more I realize how truely lucky I am to have the family I do.
4. I'm living in a wonderful new apartment. (Where i don't have to pay for heat! haha)
5. I just got my pictures in the mail that I had printed and there's a great one of me and my friends from my birthday that really makes me smile.
6. It's fall, my favorite season, and the leaves are changing colors.
7. I'm going to spend a long weekend in New York with the girls.
8. I have really great co-workers that make me laugh and make going to work worth it.
9. I don't have any student loans or debt to my name. (Definetly helps in a crappy economy.)
10. I've been exercising, which makes me feel better about myself. Even if I can't see the results yet. :)
11. It's finally Clinque bonus time and I got my free bag of goodies yesterday. hehe
12. I'm eating this amazing pasta salad right now with fresh monzarella and basil.
13. I finally got all of the artwork I own framed so I can hang everything up.
14. I'm healthy.
15. It's almost Halloween, which means discounted candy soon after. :)