Jan 13, 2012 11:57


[It's a slow day with not much to do. This morning, Njall sat down at the edge of the observation and just stopped doing anything. It's getting on towards dinner time now, and he still hasn't moved or spoken. He must be getting lonely or bored or hungry or SOMETHING...right?]


[Directly after a battle. During the fight, Njall jumped in front of you and took a bullet that would have killed you. Several dozen bullets, in fact. Now he's lying in a HUGE puddle of blood and dead.

Which is why it's odd that he;s starting to twitch and groan. He manages a hoarse whisper.]

Can't wait for my lungs to get healthy enough to shout about how much that hurt.


[The night before a large battle. Njall is in good spirits.]

Tonight, let us drink and have fun! Tomorrow we will test our courage before the gods, and Valhalla awaits the valorous!

[game] srwug_alpha_rp, [player] eric

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