For mayfield_rpg

Nov 09, 2011 20:52


Since I've been here for almost a week, I guess should probably introduce myself. My name's Belgium, but for some reason this place seems to think my name's Manon. I really don't mind if you call me either or so just call me what you like.

Um...also it seems that I'm going to be working at the bakery from now on. Actually from that phone call it sounded like I always worked there...but anyway feel free to stop in any time and I'll try to hook you up.

Also, I'm sure you've already seen him around seeing as how he's been here longer than I have, but if anyone sees a tall man with spiky hair around here, that would be my older brother, Nederland. He's really nice deep down, honest.


[A. Phone/Action // During Cream of the Cop // Grade A Poison]
[As the phone line clicks in, a loud thud is heard on the other end. Belgium unfortunately drank the Grade A Poison and is currently in the fetal position on the kitchen floor...the phone dangling on the cord.]

It can....if anyone can hear me....I'm hurts so bad...I don't think I'm....going to make it. I just...wanted to say...Good...bye...

[She trails off, but luckily she isn't dead yet. She's just in so much pain she just doesn't want to get up off the floor or talk anymore. Feel free to try and snap her out of it?]

[B. Action // During Cream of the Cop // Bakery // Hormone Free Milk]
[Nothing readily seems off about Belgium as she goes about her day at work. In fact she seems even more cheerful than usual! Maybe you should talk to her and ask her what's up?]


[Action // 000 XXX Lane // Morning]
[Belgium's drone son made her breakfast in bed. At first she thought it was a nice gesture...that was until she tasted them.]

So we meet again...frozen waffles...

[To be nice to the boy, she manages to choke them down.

Later that morning she can be seen teaching the boy how to make real waffles despite him rather wanting to go out and play then to stand around and make waffles. If you're in the house (Husband, other kid, other-other kid, pet or just visiting) feel free to question why she's trying to teach a 10 year old drone boy how to cook.]


[Phone // Filtered to other Nations // Sometime after speaking with America]
Hi, it's Belgium! I was kinda wondering if, seein' as how there's quite a few of us here, if you guys might want to have a meeting sometime. I know it probably won't amount to anything but it's still nice to have a little get together, you know?

I already talked it over with America and he said it's okay with him. I just want everyone's opinions before I start getting everything ready.

[game] mayfield_rpg, [player] tori, [canon] axis powers hetalia

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