For imperial_saga

Nov 08, 2011 16:38


[You're speaking to Jin. Perhaps you're explaining a battle plan. Perhaps you're giving a monologue about some nefarious plans you have. Either way, you've been talking for a while, and Jin has been watching you with an impassive look on his face. Then, when you pause:]

Are you done yet?


[You're either one of Jin's allies -- someone he can't afford to lose if he wants to reach his goal -- or one of the few people whom Jin cares about. Either way, you went and did something rash or foolish, and you've been wounded from it. Fortunately, Jin is well-versed in first-response healing magic, and so he's using it to stop the bleeding.]

Hold still, will you? I can't do this properly if you're moving around.


[You're one of Jin's enemies, and you're about to come to blows. Jin has already summoned Yukianesa.]

I don't care who you are or what you want. If you intend to stop me, then you're my enemy. I am the cold steel, the blade that will restore balance to this world! And I shall cut my way through anyone who stands in my way! Now, stand down, or prepare to die!

[4; A Certain Brother Only]

[The same as #3, but for one silver-haired outlaw.]

AHAHAHA! FINALLY! After all these years, I've finally found you, Brother! Come! Let me pierce your heart and end your life of misery once and for all!

[game] imperial_saga, [player] chris, [canon] blazblue

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