for imperial_saga

Nov 07, 2011 19:08

[1 - Action; There's a spy in the base!]

[Schrodinger stood pressed into a little niche along the wall in the enemy base, in his hands he was clutching a map. So far he had managed to get inside after surveying the guard's positions along the highest outer walls, but that's where he was stuck. Because the map he had was all wrong.

...Probably because he grabbed the wrong one.]

Uhh... [So here he was in the enemy base, dressed up in their uniform, sure, but his cat ears were only loosely hidden under a hat.]

[He could hear footsteps approaching now and the excitement of being caught welled up in his chest. As Schrodinger scrambled out of the niche, shoving the map haphazardly into his pocket, he found himself standing stupidly in the middle of the hall, ready to greet the enemy.]

[With the final seconds before the enemy rounded the corner, he straightened his posture and began to walk towards them. If he looked professional enough, there was a chance the guard wouldn't take a long enough glance at him to recognize he was an intruder.]

[2 - Private; A message from the envoy.]

[Unannounced, and without a single alert having been sent out to warn fo his presence, Schrodinger entered the official's office, right smack-dab in the middle of a meeting.]

Guten Tag! I have a message from Amestris, if you have time to listen... [He pulled out a piece of parchment, lips pulled into a knowing smile.]

[3 - Public; An afternoon in town.]

[Amestris as usual. Steam billowing out of chimneys, shops lining the paved streets. The Ubiquitous Schrödinger standing in line wearing a uniform similar to the Teutonic knights...if you took away the helmet and cut the robe to be the length of a short dress with chainmail. He also had cat ears poking out of his head which were far from a common sight among the citizens of Amestris, or anywhere really.]

[Not that Schrodinger cared, he was too busy standing in line to get icecream.]

Why are these lines always so long? It's not even hot out today! [He frowned, leaning out of line to see the hold up: a person up front who was taking too long to pick what flavour they wanted. Patience was a virtue he decided not to indulge in right now, as he addressed them:] Just get chocolate already...

[game] imperial_saga, [canon] hellsing

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