[The setting: Ruins! An abandoned chunk of relatively normal human city of some sort. General sound advice is to steer clear, as most of these buildings are getting pretty structurally unsound.]
[Why you're here with Aradia is left as an exercise for the reader.]
There's so much great stuff here! All I ever found on most of my expeditions back home was debris and garbage. I can't believe it's all just lying around.
[She picks up a random human earth relic from the decayed surroundings.] Hey, you're a human, right? Any idea what this thing is?
[The setting: The same ruins! Either later than prompt 1 or a completely different continuity from it. There is a robot floating up in the sky.]
[She raises a hand, and an entire small building lifts ominously into the air. She then hurls it at the building next to it, causing both to explode into an expanding cloud of dust and apathy.]
God, I'm bored.
[Going through some rough times? Looking for some emotional support?]
[Well, instead you get Roboradia.]
if its any c0ns0lati0n
everything is always happening exactly as it was always g0ing t0
there was never any chance 0f anything g0ing differently
s0 there isnt much p0int in w0rrying ab0ut it n0w