aaaaand for anemoi_rp!

Oct 09, 2011 20:57

☆ [1] ☆

[You know what's exciting? EVERYTHING is exciting! Especially parties, which is where you and America are right now. There's food, balloons, food, a swimming pool, beer pong, food, and was the fact that there's food emphasized enough? He's a terrible dancer, but you can sure try to get him to bust some moves!]

☆ [2] ☆

[You know what sucks ass? SCARY SHIT sucks ass. For whatever reason, be it a recently-viewed horror movie or raccoons making "ghost noises" in the attic, America is whining and on the verge of tears of heroism. It's really scary, guys, you don't understand, and he wants to watch the movie's sequel or go find out the source of the noises anyway, despite being frozen with fear.]

☆ [3] ☆

[You know what's stupid? MEETINGS. Boring boring boring meetings that he's not even required to go to but got roped in anyway because free food had been advertised. And that food was terrible, probably English. So he's sitting in his chair, pouting and leaning back on the back legs of his chair like a grade school kid.]

[game] anemoi_rp, [canon] hetalia

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