planeocracy is my default for testruns these days

Aug 10, 2011 23:10


I really just don't know what to make of this place. Words like 'youkai' get thrown around casually, but nobody looks down on them. Everything is full of western-style technology, but there's old magic in it, too.

Is this the future that integration is trying to bring about? True respect and understanding between human and youjin cultures? Even working towards the creation of such a relationship, I never imagined a place like this one.

I need to know. Who created Confuto Ordinatio? Was it humans? Youjin? Gods? Someone else? Does anyone even know?


[Through either normal day-to-day CO life or through mission necessity, Zakuro has come across some new piece of Technology. This is an extremely broad category, considering she's fairly sheltered even by the standards of mid-19th-century Japan. Things like, to name a few, silverware. Or coffee. Phones. Anything that uses electricity.]

Oh, great. Another one of your bizarre human inventions.

What's this one, and why is it so important? Can't I just do this my own way? I don't need all this crap.


[Roommate scenario! Either random CO assigning, or temporary lodgings for a mission in another world. The important thing is, you're sharing a room for at least one night, and this prompt is only open to male characters. The more attractive, the more intense the reaction.]

[Zakuro has drawn or otherwise established a line across the center of the room. As she speaks, she gestures dramatically with a long, sharp-looking dagger.]

Okay, listen carefully - I'd much rather have separate rooms, but this'll have to do for now. The line marks the absolute boundary between the part of the room you're allowed in and the part you're not. Any part of your body that crosses over the line without permission will be stabbed without hesitation.

Do I make myself clear?


[A few weeks ago, during a particularly memorable event. A world is dying.]

[Also, there's an Agent, on record as being relatively low in power, making a beeline for the portal to Aethr. Alone. She's going to get herself killed, more likely than not.]

Get the hell out of my way.

[player] prof, [game] planeocracy

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