The UG@ storm just has no end, does it?

Aug 06, 2011 18:06


[Look!  Off in the distance!  There's a newcomer to this battle and it's a magenta-colored robot that is looking totally badass and attention getting as it primes itself for firing a huge-ass cannon mounted on its chest!  And when it fires it.. well, actually all that happens is a massive flash of light erupts, blinding and disorienting all the fools that had been dumb enough to look at it.]

You've got your opening!  Take them down!


[Oh boy.  When Julia was hired on to the White Chalice, she hadn't expected the housing situation to be so... constricting.  Which is why she's staring at the already cluttered room with her trunk full of things she thought she'd have room for behind her.]

O-oh.  Sorry about that.

I don't suppose you'd mind if I moved a few things around, just for the time being?


[Whew!  Another day's drilling done under your supervision and it just so happens that Julia's come up to see you.  Was it because she thought you needed t push people harder?  In contrast, were you too harsh with people?  It's... actually hard to tell, seeing as how she's smiling.]

Hi there.  Look, I'm sorry if this sounds a little silly or unexpected but... I just wanted to say thanks.  Believe it or not this... is actually the first honest-to-goodness military training I've ever gotten.  And it feels good to know, since... well, I'm not entirely just a mascot girl any more.

[game] srwug_alpha_rp, [player] steam, [canon] original

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