1. voicepost on the vine
Where am I and who the hell dragged me here?! Whoever you are, if you don't show yourself and give me an explanation right this minute, I will find you and tear you apart.
2. action + videopost on the vine
[The vine has decided to record Kyoko exploring the Orchard. The girl's always had a thing for apples, and it's not quite as bad to steal them right off the tree than from a produce market...right? In fact, it might not necessarily be stealing at all, since the owner of this orchard isn't necessarily known. So Kyoko is helping herself to whatever fruits she can find.]
Oh wow, there's so much here! I certainly won't be going hungry any time soon, then! Maybe this place won't be so bad, after all.
[she cheerily bites into an apple, savoring the taste as she eats.]
3. action
[whoever you are, you seem to have gotten Kyoko curious about something. She's currently looking you up and down, as if analyzing you somehow]
...Say, what's your home like? People all seem to have a different story about that around here.