Shooting (haha) for Mayfield

Feb 07, 2011 04:53


[It's great and all being alive and stuff, but Neku has to admit that he didn't necessarily miss the homework aspect of being a living teenager. He suspects some of his teachers are on questionable substances, too. Though, considering how wacky this town is, he honestly isn't surprised by this.

The faster I get it done, the sooner I can leave. The only reason he's in the park doing his homework is to escape the absolute creepiness of being in a family he knows isn't his biological one. Neku doubts that he'll ever get used to this crazy place.]


[Here's Neku, looking at a bulletin board in the school, trying to figure out what he can do after school hours to kill time. He's not looking forward to joining any of the clubs, but he's hoping that there are ads for part-time jobs. At least with a job he'll be out and about more of the week, and school clubs aren't his thing anyway. Someone willing to bug him or help a guy out?]


[The ginger-haired teen sighs irritably. The cause of his irritation seems to be in the form of art supplies being scattered all over the ground. Colored pencils, a pencil sharpener, a sketchbook, charcoal pencils, and even the case for the pencils lying wide open with a few of them still inside.

Just. Freaking. Perfect.]

[game] mayfield_rpg, [canon] the world ends with you

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