For trans_9

Dec 11, 2010 05:46

.1.In the sensoriums, a young woman had created a replica of the infamous Angel Grove Youth Center, complete with juice bar and training mats. The one responsible for this was on one of the balance beams, deftly backflipping across it with skill she'd spent years working hard to acquire. After a few moments going through the usual routine she ( Read more... )

[player] random, [canon] power rangers, [game] trans_9

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2. morphitudinous December 11 2010, 14:58:08 UTC

Personally, Billy's priority on shore leave was always gathering supplies for the ship. He would buy a new outfit and sturdy shoes if his current one was becoming too worn, but spending their wages on this stuff?

And it was his turn to be caddy again, since Jason had taken the last time.

"Are the selections offered by these establishments truly so unique that you have to investigate each one?" Billy was usually good about not asking too many questions about this shopping business, as completely unscientific as it was, but that point was weighing him down a bit. If only he'd invented a special bag carrier that would follow her around! Maybe he could make a subspace pocket to fit her bags in without taking up too much room in the halls...


pinkgirlyranger December 12 2010, 02:51:19 UTC
The boys probably couldn't wait for Tommy to show up, as he would then be the only one to carry her bags. It was his duty as the boyfriend to do so!

Back on topic, Kimberly rolled her eyes as Billy brought that up, briefly contemplating making him carry all the bags and not just the ones containing the least pink items she had bought.

"Maybe not, but you never know what's in each one," she told him like she was explaining this for the millionth time--which he had. Really, there were some days she wished Trini had been podpopped so she wouldn't have to explain this to every person she went shopping with. At least she knew Billy was smart enough to get it on the first go.

"Like the last shop--who'd have thought we would've found such an amazing deal on such cute dresses!" Granted, the dresses were made from a material she'd never even heard of before. To prove her point, she held out a short green number.

"Seriously! Wouldn't this look great on Marisa?" Poor, sweet, completely made up NPC Marisa to avoid godmodding anyone actually ( ... )


morphitudinous December 12 2010, 03:00:07 UTC
And when Tommy arrives, he can have the job for all Billy cares! He loved Kim like a sister, really he did, but he'd love this task more if he ever found something that interested him about it.

At her reference, though, he peered over one of the bags and nodded with a faint blush. He didn't usually picture women in dresses, but he had to admit that Kimberly had a keen eye for color.

"You really are good at this." He briefly wondered if Kim would ever wear it---was it easier to wear your boyfriend's color than others? Questions, questions. "But how many people are you shopping for?"


pinkgirlyranger December 12 2010, 03:52:47 UTC
Hey! Hey! Contrary to popular belief, Kimberly did wear colors besides pink! She had whole outfits without it planned and coordinated out that she wore quite often ( ... )


morphitudinous December 12 2010, 04:05:55 UTC
Billy had to smile as she rattled off her list. That was the Kim he'd remembered that past year, always bustling about to lend a hand.

He carried the bags feeling slightly more positive about it, when his eyes caught sight of the same dress. It didn't look like any kind of fabric he recognized. What technology was behind it?

It became even more impressive (and less comprehensible) when she activated the display, and Billy instinctively moved closer to protect if necessary. Luckily, it wasn't for the moment. He read the display with a slight frown.

"...huh. I wonder what the purpose of this is. Is it to analyze your tastes as a shopper? Collect information on potential customers? A front for a secret study?"

Curiosity struck again. He lowered the bags as delicately as he could, lifted his arm, and brushed it---would the display change?


pinkgirlyranger December 12 2010, 04:16:16 UTC
"Or just a really science-y way of giving it a personal look?" she asked as the display changed into an orange array of jagged stripes that, if one were knowledgeable about the matter, were actually readouts of Billy's brainwaves and heartbeat.

She looked down along the display's feet, hoping to find a tag and a price. Indeed there was one.... written in the local language. Oh geez, Billy was going to have to read it to her again, wasn't he? While Kimberly appreciated how he was about it, there was something slightly degrading at finding herself essentially illiterate on this world.

When she got back on the ship, maybe she'd take up those language lessons being offered. Maybe even try to teach some of the members of the crew who didn't know how to read English? It was worth a shot.


morphitudinous December 12 2010, 04:28:45 UTC
Huh. Billy wondered if there were shirts in this style. Not that he was suddenly concerned with fashion, but it might be a fun gift for some engineers he knew.

"True, sometimes things really are as innocuous as they appear. I've just gotten into the habit of expecting the worst."

Billy leaned down, checking out the tag. He'd only learned the major symbols and the numerical system, but that was enough for them to check out. The vocal translators would take care of the rest.

"It's somewhat pricey, but I think we can afford it if you really want it." Billy was just grateful that she wasn't focusing her wardrobe-fu on him.


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