Oct 23, 2010 11:16
(( OOC: Got this awesome idea from BF! I'm going to leave comments in this post for all the rest of the characters I want to test out the muses for for Planeocracy, as I'm just trying to figure it there is some magical combination of game+character that I haven't discovered yet. So! Please reply to Kaiji here, but also click the comments so that you can see the other characters' threads as well! ))
[ Filtered to Agents ]
I could go back in time, right?
I could start over, get rid of everything that started this whole mess. This rotted, crumbling life...
They're so tied up in paperwork here, there's a chance...a chance.
Isn't there?
Don't give me your bullshit, I know some of you out there have considered this. Talk to me. I want to know more about those gates. I don't give a fuck about this pretense they're blabbing about, trying to "keep the balance"
Who WOULDN'T want to take advantage of this?!
[player] ayame,
[game] planeocracy,
[canon] axis powers hetalia,
[canon] vocaloid,
[canon] kaiji